Remedial Action Plan for OU-1
Based on the findings from the remedial investigation (RI), a remedial action plan (RAP) was developed for the main site (OU-1), which included an interim remedial measure (IRM) at the Bay Shore West Yard, also in OU-1. An IRM is a targeted fix that remedies an immediate environmental concern. IRMs were also developed to address environmental conditions in OU-2, OU-3 and OU-4.
Cleanup Details:
OU-1 - the main MGP site is defined as the Bay Shore site, adjacent off-site areas south of the Bay Shore site and north of Union Boulevard, and the Bay Shore West parcel. The RI identified areas where contaminant source materials, such as coal tar, were located and groundwater contamination was identified. The RAP for OU-1 included:
- Excavating contaminant source areas in the southern half of the site from the surface to an approximate depth of 8 feet;
- Excavating source areas in four locations to approximate depth of at least 16 to 25 feet based on field conditions, removal and off-site thermal desorption of impacted soil;
- Backfilling excavated areas to restore existing grades;
- Performing in-situ chemical oxidation to treat residual contamination beneath the excavated areas;
- Constructing a subsurface barrier wall at the downgradient edge of OU-1 with in-situ groundwater treatment immediately upgradient of the barrier;
- Recovering mobile tar or dense nonaqueous phase liquid (NAPL) via extraction wells where practicable;
- Implementing institutional controls and a site management plan to manage future subsurface disturbance and resultant potential exposures; and
- Long-term operation, monitoring and maintenance of the containment and treatment systems.
The Bay Shore West Yard, also in OU-1, underwent an IRM to remove underground pipes and structures, which involved excavating the soil, removing the pipes and any contaminated soil surrounding them, and backfilling the excavated area with clean fill.
OU-2 - the off-site Bay Shore Groundwater Plume Area includes the area through which the plume of groundwater from the main Bay Shore MGP site (OU-1) flows. The IRM for OU-2 involved injecting oxygen into the plume in two locations near Lawrence Creek to reduce the concentration of contaminants. Subsequently, the IRM was expanded and a request was issued for at least four additional treatment systems. In addition to these locations, oxygen injection systems were also installed in OUs 1 and 3.
OU-3 -the Brightwaters Yard and the narrow groundwater plume crossing Lanier Lane and Cooper Lane to O-Co-nee Pond. The two IRMs for OU-3, conducted in 2004 and from 2009 to 2010, involved the excavation and removal of approximately 1,000 cubic yards of contaminated soil for off-site treatment/disposal.
OU-4 - the area comprised of a historical cesspool and pond area located to the east of the main site, beneath the town of Islip parking lot adjacent to the Long Island Rail Road (LIRR) Bay Shore station and to the south of the LIRR tracks, bounded by Union Blvd. The IRM for OU-4 involves the excavation and treatment of contaminated soil under the town of Islip parking lot and in portions of surrounding property to the north and south, as well as clean up, realignment and creek bank restoration of Watchogue Creek/Crum's Brook.
All Bay Shore/Brightwaters cleanup activities have been conducted under health and safety plans for the protection of the workers and the community. The work has been completed with oversight by NYSDEC and required the filing and approval of work plans, as well as final reports evaluating the results of the activities.