About Bay Shore Former MGP Site

Investigation and Remediation

The Bay Shore/Brightwaters cleanup has been a cooperative effort led by National Grid, with oversight by the New York State departments of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) and Health (NYSDOH), and participation from state and local officials and community groups. Additional regulatory guidance is provided by the Suffolk County Department of Environment and Energy and Department of Health Services.

In 1999, a remedial investigation was conducted by KeySpan under the oversight of the NYSDEC administrative order on consent.

NYSDEC has one of the most aggressive MGP site investigation and remediation programs in the country. Working in collaboration with utilities like National Grid, NYSDEC oversees remedial investigations (RIs) of former MGP sites and provides approval and oversight of cleanup activities.

About the Remedial Investigation Process

NYSDEC begins the investigation of former MGP sites with a site characterization, or initial site assessment, which typically consists of a records search to identify potential areas of concern and a field investigation to inspect and sample those areas. The data gathered during the site characterization helps determine whether a more in-depth remedial investigation is needed. The RI phase is a thorough and detailed continuation of the site characterization. The RI fully identifies the nature and extent of site contaminants and their environmental impact, the source(s) of contamination, and the potential pathways for contaminant migration.

Read more on NYSDEC's investigation of former MGP sites.