OU-4 Cleanup Progress
OU-4 is an area east of the main plant site where treated MGP waste water was discharged to a surface water body. Final restoration activities associated with the OU-4 excavation activities on the Town of Islip LIRR parking lot and two adjoining Union Boulevard properties were completed in April 2012. Several other significant remedial projects in OU-4 have also been completed, including:
- Clean up, realignment and creek bank restoration of Watchogue Creek/Crum's Brook in 2000
- Removal of contaminated soils near the Oak Street storm drain line in 2005
- Replacement of a portion of that storm drain line, and the excavation and removal of historical cesspool structures and soils in the immediate vicinity of the former structure in 2005
- Completion of in-situ chemical oxidation interim remedial measure in 2010
This concludes major remedial work in this area. Follow-up sampling has shown that the sediments in the stream bed of Watchogue Creek, which was remediated in 2000, remains free of site-related contamination.